A Letter From Suzanne Edgington

Apr 16, 2020 | Educate The Executor | 0 comments

I am Suzanne Edgington of Holistic Edge

Craniosacral Therapist, Naturopath and Holistic Therapist since 1996 and like many people right now, I have no work and no income but plenty of time on my hands.

Even so, this doesn’t have to be a time where we ‘just cope’. This can be our opportunity to thrive!!! To face our challenges and live a fuller, more authentic life!

My personal experiences of death come from losing both my dad and husband in the past few years. Both were taken too soon, and it was a difficult period of adjustment for me. Just as I was determining my new path, at the end of 2019, following an extended illness, my beloved dog Angel also died.

I have always felt the need to talk about death, this is part of life, but it was these events that sent me to and inspired me to facilitate the ‘Death Café’ Bedford for 3 1/2yrs.

So, I am no stranger to the struggles and challenges of grief alongside the day to day challenges we all face through life.

However, I am determined to make my experience purposeful and productive during this difficult time. If you need, Emotional Support, Group Chats, CST Remote Support, Relaxation Exercises and Nutritional Advice….and General Tips and Ideas….Tailored TO YOU… FOR FREE! Please reach out to suzanne@holisticedge.co.uk.

I see clients for a range of physical and emotional reasons, often a combination of both. From muscular-skeletal problems, pain to stress, mental and emotional related issues, as well as long term conditions including terminal illnesses.

I offer emotional support, along with physical treatment and practical, tailored advice or programs.

I understand the fear, I recognise the income stress and, I identify with grief. I too am exploring what these drastic changes mean for me. Living in isolation with the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

I Wish You Love and Comfort In These Words:

Like a time never before death is in our thoughts. Whether it be because of the COVID-19 virus or another reason, reports of loses on the TV, radio and social media, remind us of death daily.

For some, death may be very real and present right now. It may bring out worries and fears of how best to protect our loved ones and family or, it may simply remind us of our own mortality. Death in our thoughts may be a new experience for some or a reminder of past experiences. But currently, it seems an all too common experience.

But death has always been part of life.

Death is never easy. Whether young or old. Whether because of the COVID-19 virus or for some other reason. It makes no difference. The experience can be confronting and complicated, make you feel vulnerable and devastated. But collectively it has always been there.

Don’t try to make sense of it. You can’t.

If you have experienced a death, allow yourself to feel the pain. But be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to feel the moments when you are not in pain. Each person’s expression is different, but the cause and pain in grief are the same.

Pain reminds us both of the fragility and the gift of what it is to be human.

How fragile this commonality of life. To be born means you will die. How suddenly everything we once knew can go. Loss can open up within us a deep and painful hole. Unprepared it confronts us with how we continue to live without what has gone from our life.

The gifts are in acknowledging how precise life is. How priceless the moments and memories shared are. Through this experience, we begin to truly understand the meaning of life.

Slowly you can find appreciation for what you still have in your life. Or for some, what may come into your life because of the experience. Family, friends. Enjoy these. Through this greater understanding comes the healing. Gratitude grows, which allows the birth of compassion. For all humans will experience the same pain.

So you allow this is the healing. Healing remember is not forgetting. But it can open the door to joy once more.

The joy in remembering the LIFE that lived.

So the pain, numbness and calm. These are GIFTS. Allow every or no emotion to come and go, remembering that others may be grieving also. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. It is a natural part of life.

When you experience emotional chaos, it means you are finding a new way to live again.

Like birth as a society, we should celebrate the life that was, allowing time to reflect on how their life enriched your own.

I share this experience with you. I wish you love and comfort in these words.


While some will quickly discover their inner resources and adjust to the uncertainty in their life, others experience anger, sadness, worry, fear, frustration and anxiety. With the current social and global crisis and drastic change in lifestyles this enforces, this is more relevant now than ever before.

It’s perfectly okay and natural to experience any or all of these emotions. What many people are experiencing right now is grief. Grief can manifest from so many areas, the loss of a loved one definitely, but also the loss of a lifestyle, money, job, school, future, social and community life, to name but a few.

It’s normal to be unsettled and anxious when the world you once knew that felt so solid has gone. You are not alone in your struggles to discover where to go from here, and support is accessible.

  • Financial
  • Emotional
  • Business
  • Social

Emotional support is where I can help, so I repeat my earlier offer. If you need, Emotional Support, Group Chats, CST Remote Support, Relaxation Exercises and Nutritional Advice….and General Tips and Ideas….Tailored TO YOU… FOR FREE! Please reach out to me…


About This Artical:

Written from the heart of Suzanne Edgington the Owner of Holistic Edge.

We will add new articles on a daily basis with new information and helpful advice.

Please get in contact if you have any questions, as all of the JT AccountS® services are still fully operations. Our staff are remotely working from home and can support you within this time.

Other Educate The Executor™ Information:

Practice Number: 21331

Jacqueline Tetley is licensed and regulated by AAT under licence number 5096.


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