Furloughed Workers
About This Document:
Furloughed Workers
As the coronavirus situation continues, your client may have had to consider making staff redundant, or laying them off, as a result. Last week, the government announced its plans for financial assistance to help employers in this situation retain employees for an extended period of time, despite offering no work, and avoid lay-offs. It is called the Job Retention Scheme and, whilst little information has been published as to how it will work, we have set out in the document what we do know.
We are constantly updating with booklet on a daily basis with new information or changes that come into play.
Please get in contact if you have any questions, as all of the JT AccountS® services are still fully opirations. Our staff are remotely working from home and can support you within this time.
Other Covid-19 Information:
The Queen’s Coronavirus broadcast: ‘We will meet again’
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II delivers a special broadcast to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth in relation to the coronavirus outbreak.
Find Your Banks Coronavirus Support Page
There is a lot of information being thrown around when is comes to the financial support you can get from the goverment to assist yourself or your business through Covid-19. Although many new legislations have come through, the process of implementing them are not as...
Covid-19 Late Self-Assessment Support
On 26 March 2020, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced assistance for the self-employed, intended to be comparable to the help already in progress for furloughed employees. At the time of writing the fine detail is still emerging, but the basics are in this article.

Practice Number: 21331

Jacqueline Tetley is licensed and regulated by AAT under licence number 5096.